Sorry for the Hiatus!

It's been quite a while since I wrote any new blog posts. This isn't entirely because I've been lazy; rather, I've picked up and relocated to sunny (and often hot and humid) Atlanta, Georgia to start the PhD program at Georgia Tech. I'm going to be working on lots of cool stuff with the Georgia Tech Information Security Center.

Now that I'm here and starting to get settled in, you can expect the blog posts to start up again. Particularly with the forthcoming release of Volatility 1.3, I'm going to have a lot of new plugins and functionality to blog about.

As a teaser, here are some of the things I've got in the works:

  • -- get the SID (kind of like a user ID in unix) that owns each process

  • -- extract loaded kernel modules from memory

  • -- list recently unloaded kernel modules

  • -- show the System Service Descriptor Table, along with the kernel module that owns the memory. This can be used to detect hooking, legitimate and otherwise.

  • -- an interactive shell designed for exploration of memory images (presented at OMFW; note that this is aimed mainly at memory forensics researchers)

  • -- extracts a list of window handles and titles by using some reverse-engineered GDI structures in the kernel

I'm planning on accompanying these with posts describing the technical details of how they work. Also, as soon as I get the code ported to 1.3, I'll be releasing the code I wrote to extract registry information (as presented in my DFRWS paper).

I also spoke with Michael Cohen, the creator of PyFlag at DFRWS, and it sounds like he's interested in integrating in-memory registry support into PyFlag through Volatility. This will let users access the registry data in a memory dump through the PyFlag VFS, and perform queries and correlation on the registry data. This will be, I believe, "wicked awesome" (technical term).

Hopefully this has given you a taste of things to come, and gotten you good and excited about 1.3 (the amazing features of which I'll also be writing about soon). Stay tuned!


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